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The Future of Hockey in Africa

How Many Countries Play Hockey?

By Hockey 3 Comments
How Many Countries Play Ice Hockey?   The Friendship League has now played hockey in 6 countries, with many more destinations planned for the near future. People are often very surprised to learn that some of these destinations, including Kenya and Turkmenistan, have ice at all - let alone full ice hockey programs. But the truth is, ice hockey is far more common around the world than you might think. The game is played regularly across 6 continents and in some of the countries that you’d least expect. In this…
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How a Trip With the Friendship League Helps Grow The Game

How a Trip With the Friendship League Helps Grow The Game

By Hockey No Comments
In the early days of the Friendship League, our primary ambition was to help bring the Special Olympics to North Korea. Hockey (at that point) served mainly as a platform to develop relationships with the North Korean sports community.  Lucky for us, our strategy of using sport as an engagement tool worked quite well – hockey turned out to be an excellent tool for creating dialogue with the reclusive government in Pyongyang. After a few runs of the Pyongyang Ice Hockey League, we’d developed sufficient connections and trust locally to…
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The Future of Hockey in Africa

The Future of Hockey in Africa

By Africa, Hockey No Comments
In February 2013, I (FL Manager Scott Howe) had been living in East Africa for a few years when I heard rumors of ice hockey being played in Nairobi. I’d had miscommunications in my previous travels that resulted in disappointment, so I kept my expectations low. “Every Thursday night at the Panari Sky Centre” I was told. Much to my surprise, there was an ice rink…..but no players. I spent the evening teaching my two Kenyan friends how to scrimmage and then never really thought much more about it. Fast…
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