Ecuador Ice Hockey Experience

Location: Quito, Ecuador
Host Team: Orkos HC
Year Held: 2022

Overview: Our event in Quito was unique for a few reasons; not only was it our first hockey event in Latin America, but it was also our first time hosting an event above 9’000 feet. Assisted by oxygen canisters, our team battled the impressive Orkos HC for a Friendship-Style tournament held at the Palace Del Helo in the suburbs of Quito. In our mind, the event highlight was when a Friendship-Leaguer arranged for a full set of goalie gear to be donated to a local junior player. At 8 years old, he had always dreamed of playing in net, but didn’t have the gear. The smile on his face when he saw the donation was unforgettable!

Off the ice, our players covered a lot of ground while exploring the vast country of Ecuador. Activities included climbing the Cotopaxi Volcano, rafting down the Mighty Pastaza River, and horseback riding through the Andes. The extension was perhaps the coolest part of the trip, and saw our players board a small boat and travel deep into the Amazon for some exploration!